Cecilie Lind
Pink Pastor Project
Glazed Porcelain, lacquer, plexiglas. 2007
Bachelor project from Oslo National Academy of The Arts
This project aims to encourage reflection upon societies discrimination of the queers, or LGBT-persons (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender). To visualize this matter I used the church most sacred symbols as a metaphor for society. Today's attitude in the Norwegian church, which still dosnĀ“t marry same sex couples, contributes neither to the integration of LGBT-persons, or to allay our fears for those who are different.
The installation is based on the church's most holy symbols and props, the holy bible, the altar and the altarpiece, accomplished in porcelain and perspex. These symbols are combined with the classical icon; Michelangelo's sculpture David, which has been modified and multiplied into several sculptures. This way the piece is reflecting both upon the church, homosexuality and the history of art. This is not a tribute to the classical master, but a critique of the current exclusionary church policy, in addition to societies discrimination in general.
The piece are portraying the homophobic's worst nightmare; a pink homo-church where prayers have been exchanged with sodomy.
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